Want to get your sourdough to rise more? Look no further! With the right technique and a bit of practice, you can make sure your sourdough is as light and fluffy as can be. If you want the best loaf of sourdough bread of your life, then check out these tips!
1. In the Oven With the Light On
One way you can help your sourdough to rise more is by turning on the light in your oven. Preheat the oven just slightly, then turn off the heat and place the dough inside with the light on. The warmth generated by the light helps activate the yeast, which will cause it to rise faster. To help the fermentation process, putting it in the oven with the light on can help!
2. Hydration Level
For dough, a factor that affects how much your sourdough will rise is the hydration level. If the dough is too dry, it won’t rise as much. Make sure to check the hydration level of your dough and adjust accordingly. You may need to add a bit more liquid or flour to get the right consistency.
3. Use the Broiler
Set the empty oven to broil for 2-3 minutes, you can then put the starter in. Don’t put in any warmer than 90 degrees. To get the ultimate flavor or sourdough bread just right, you can use the broiler to help the stater rise!
4. Instant Pot
Use the yogurt setting on the Instant Pot for about an hour to make a warm, humid environment that will help your sourdough rise. You don’t want over-proofed dough or starter, but the Instant Pot can be a great tool to help create a healthy sourdough starter.
5. Boil Water and Place Dough Nearby
Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove, then turn off the heat and place the dough nearby. The steam from the boiling water should provide enough warmth and humidity to help your bread rise.
6. On the Fridge
Set the sourdough starter on the fridge. This warm location will kick start the fermentation and allow the starter to rise more. You can also add a bowl of warm water nearby to increase humidity. This may sound weird, but on the flip side, fridges are super warm on top!
7. Proofing Bowl
Use a proofing bowl or dough-rising container with a lid that is slightly breathable. This will keep your sourdough warm while allowing some of the moisture to escape, which helps promote activity in your starter. It should also help create an environment that allows the starter to rise more.
8. In a Bowl or Pot of Warm Water on the Counter
Place your sourdough starter in a bowl or pot of warm water on the kitchen counter. This will keep it warm and allow more oxygen to circulate around it, which can help it rise more. You can cover the top of the bowl or pot with a damp tea towel to keep the moisture and warmth in.
9. Next to the Stove
You can get the sourdough starter to rise more by putting it next to the stove while you’re cooking. The warmth from the stove can help to activate the yeast in the starter and make it rise more. For dough you should cover it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap so that it doesn’t dry out.
10. Place on a Heating Pad
If you have a heating pad or seed mat, place the sourdough starter or dough on it and set it to low. This will give your yeast an extra boost of warmth. Make sure to cover the top of the dough so it doesn’t dry out. You don’t need high heat, you just need a good rise for your dough.
11. Create an Ideal Environment
Create an ideal environment for your sourdough by using a dough proofer or banneton basket. These environments help regulate temperature and moisture levels so that your bread will rise more quickly and evenly.

12. Colonial Times Rising of Sourdough Starters
For a traditional approach to getting your sourdough to rise more, try taking your sourdough to bed with you. The warmth of being underneath the blankets with you will help the starter rise more than ever!
What do I do if my sourdough starter doesn’t rise?
If your sourdough starter not rising, there are a few things that could be causing the issue. First, make sure you have the right ingredients. While most starters are made with white flour, adding some whole-wheat or rye flour can help your starter rise. Also, make sure you’re using active yeast and fresh ingredients. Give it enough time to rise. Depending on the temperature of the room and how strong your starter is, it could take up to 12 hours for your sourdough to reach its full potential!
How to get sourdough starter to rise faster
If you’re looking for faster results when making your sourdough starter, there are a few things you can do. First, use warm water and increase the water-to-flour ratio slightly. This will help the yeast to activate quicker and aid in rising more quickly. A 1:2:2 ratio or higher, even 1:4:4 ratio helps.
Another tip is to add some sugar or honey to the dough, as this will also help the yeast become more active. Keep the dough and starter in a warm environment, between 70° and 90° is ideal. To ensure it rises at its quickest rate. With these tips, you’ll be sure to get your sourdough starter rising quickly!
How old is the oldest sourdough starter?
It is said that the oldest sourdough starter is 4500 years old. Check out the full history of sourdough starters right here.
What’s the float test for sourdough?
The float test is a simple way to check if your sourdough starter is ready for use. To perform the test, you’ll need to fill a glass with cold water and then take a pinch of your sourdough starter in your fingers. Carefully drop the starter into the cold water. If it floats, then your starter is ready to be used in baking, if it sinks, then you may need to wait a bit longer before using it in baking.
Sourdough Bread Recipes
If you’d like a good sourdough starter recipe, make sure you check out my The Sourdough Essentials Digital Cookbook. You’ll want to pay attention to the room temperature, the different flours to use, and the tips on how to make homemade sourdough bread. Light, well-risen sourdough bread is the best and is so delicious! You can do this!
What if my start overflows my jar?
It’s super active starter! You can move it to a new jar and refeed it.