
Sunrise Flour Mill

This is a great organic flour option and they have other products as well. I have liked what I have gotten from them!
Code: 20% off, no code needed
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Good Life Raw Cacao Powder

Raw, Heirloom Organic Cacao Powder

Cacao powder is extremely high in antioxidants and contains minerals like magnesium. Cacao has some amazing brain benefits like helping your brain produce serotonin, tryptophan and PEA. This cacao powder comes from high in the mountains of Ecuador. The heirloom trees are watered by natural springs and the cacao is harvested away from any industrial sites (which is often a source of heavy metal contamination of cacao powder). The taste speaks for itself! It is rich and creamy and perfect for adding to smoothies, sourdough bread, oatmeal, protein balls and more.
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Skout Bars

These are great for on-the-go! I keep them in our pool bag or as a quick snack. I like these because they are gluten, dairy and soy free, have no artificial anything and a simple ingredient list!
Code: laura20
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Equip Protein

Great dairy free protein. The ingredients list is simple. Each scoop is 21 grams of protein from 4 oz of grass fed beef.
Code: LauraT
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Real Salt

Redmond Real Salt

I love Redmond salt because of the trace minerals it contains. It comes from an ancient sea bed buried hundreds of feet underground in Redmond, Utah. I have personally visited the mine and it was incredible! I have an Instagram highlight bubble called "salt" if you want to check out my visit! I use it for baking, fermenting and also like to buy salt in bulk to have in my food storage.
Code: Laura15
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Redmond Seasoning

We use Redmond seasonings for almost every meal! These can be put on eggs, meat, vegetable and even sourdough bread!
Code: Laura15
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Organic Bread of Heaven

Organic sourdough products available for delivery! They use organic grains and sprouted wheat. Perfect if you don't want to make your own sourdough!
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Just Ingredients Broths and Soups

I love these because it is such an easy way add extra nutrition to meals. This French Onion Soup Mix is reminiscent of Lipton Onion Soup mix but so much better! I love that it is made with bone broth.
Code: LauraT10
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Paleo Valley Olive Oil

Olive oil is full of polyphenols which are amazing for their antioxidant benefits and ability to lower inflammation. Many olive oil products on the market are not true olive oil or have been made using old or rancid olives. I like this olive oil because it comes from a certified organic valley in rural Greece and has been tested for it's polyphenol content.
Code: 15% off, no code needed
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Paleo Valley Golden Milk

I love sipping warm golden milk. It is full of warm flavors like turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and 4 types of mushrooms. All of these have such good benefits!
Code: 15% off, no code needed
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Paleo Valley Superfood Bars

A bar with good ingredients! These contain bone broth, pumpkin seeds, spiralina and other nutrients dense foods. Our favorite is chocolate.
Code: 15% off, no code needed
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Paleo Valley Beef Sticks

I love these beef sticks because the meat is sourced from high quality grass-fed cows and is naturally fermented. Such an easy snack!
Code: 15% off, no code needed
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Wild Pastures

Wild Pastures

Wild Pastures is where we order beef, chicken and pork because it is 100% grass-fed beef and pasture-raised meat. I love that they use regenerative farming practices to improve the ecosystem.
Code: 20% OFF for Life + Free Shipping for Life + $15 OFF your 1st Box
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We like these beef sticks! They are a good option for good, high protein snack.
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Ranch seasoning

Perfect for making ranch dip!
Code: Laura10
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Wildlly Organic nuts

I love this brand because they are organic, soaked, and low-temperature dehydrated. This preserves all the enzymes and micronutrients while neutralizing the phytic acid.
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Water Kefir Grains

Water kefir is a bubbly, probiotic drink that you make at home! This is where I originally bought my grains years ago. They're strong and reliable!
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Fermented Vegetable Culture

This is the easiest way to ferment vegetables. The probiotics found in naturally fermented foods have more species and biodiversity than any supplement. They are easier to digest, help strengthen your bodies defense system and are full of prebiotic fiber. This culture makes it incredibly easy!
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milk kefir

Milk Kefir

Milk kefir is a fermented drink that is often called drinkable yogurt. It is full of beneficial bacteria, calcium, protein, B vitamins and more. This is the perfect way to start fermenting without the maintenance of kefir grains. It is as easy as stirring powder into milk and then waiting. So easy yet so beneficial!
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Nutritional Yeast

Almost all nutritional yeast is fortified with synthetic vitamins, including folic acid. This brand does not. Synthetic folic acid is something I try to avoid when possible (I love folate, the natural version of this B vitamin). If you have the MTFHR gene variant, your body is not able to convert folic acid into usable methyl-folate which leads to a buildup of folic acid in the body. This can result in cardiovascular and other health issues.
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Just Ingredients Hot Chocolate

The best hot chocolate that won't spike your blood glucose and still tastes great! It has collagen, ashwagandha, turmeric and lion's mane which are unique adaptogens for the body.
Code: LauraT10
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Flavored Water

Just Ingredients Flavored Water

Have trouble drinking enough water during the day? Try adding this flavored water! No dyes, no artificial flavors, just organic fruit!
Code: LauraT10
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Just Ingredients Pre Workout

The Just Ingredient pre workout is different from other pre workouts because it contains herbs like ginseng and maca root that help naturally help the body with energy and recovery. Caffeine free for me!
Code: LauraT10
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Just Ingredients Protein

Just Ingredient protein cannot be beaten in quality, ingredients and taste! It is our favorite to make smoothies, add to oatmeal, add to sourdough baked goods like muffins, make into popsicles and more!
Code: LauraT10
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